
The VersaSpa Spray Tanning Booth is the easiest and quickest way to get a tan without having to take the time to layout in the sun!
With 2 different color options and 3 different color levels, you can fully customize your tan to your needs!
Good To Know
Color Options
The clear solution has no added undertones or color, meaning that the color you get is going to come from your pH level. The solution comes out completely clear, so you won't actually see it until it starts to develop. The clear typically provides a warm and glowy color.
Color Levels
Light, Medium & Dark
After you decide your color (clear or bronze) you get to decide your color level. "Light" or "Level 1" will provide a subtle-sunkissed tan, "Medium" or "level 2" will provide a more natural tan(like you just got back from vacation, "Dark" or "Level 3" will provide you with a deeper, more noticeable color with more coverage.
How to Prep
What to do
Get any waxing done 24+ hours PRIOR to your scheduled appointment. Shower, shave and exfoliate thoroughly the night before your appointment. Keep your skin bare! NO oils, lotions or perfumes directly
Color Options
The bronze solution has violet added undertones, to cancel out any warm/yellow undertones. The solution comes out already bronzed, so you will have instant results that gradually get darker as the day goes on. The bronze typically provides a cool-toned deeper tan.
How to Prep
What to Wear
Wear loose-fitting, dark clothing. Remove any jewelry and accessories. Avoid wearing socks, bras, yoga pants, etc.
Rinsing & Maintenance
Wait 6-8 hours before rinsing, for your spay tan to fully develop. When you rinse, be careful of scrubbing and do not rub too hard, also avoid soap(strictly just RINSE)! Be sure to moisturize daily to ensure an even fade of color and avoid patchiness. Your spray tan should last about 5 days or up to 11 days with a primer. We will see you soon for your next spray tan!